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Showing posts from July, 2022

Campground Networking

I've travelled a couple years full time in an RV, working remotely. This can be a challenger, many campgrounds have poor Wi-Fi setups, and cell service is not always great (Do not plan on doing any work from the Grand Canyon National Park). Calling ahead and asking usually does not reveal accurate information, you are best off using campground reviews, search them for WIFI and read what people say.  The best network I have seen was at Eagles Landing RV Park in Holt, FL (Pan handle) Still not perfect. At poor sites, more than once did I offer my assistance in trying to configure and improve, but even the places which have no vendor maintain their system do not want any other hands on it. A couple of times I helped out anyway, default passwords on routers, so I upgraded their firmware, disabled 802.11b, and set a password so no-one else would mess with it. My RV network setup is not of a common type, you sort of have to be a bit of a network-guy to us...