I get these questions all the time - people know i have some runtime with certificates and such - one question is "Can't i just issue my own certs?" - and the answer of course is yes - but I always make sure to add that it won't be any use on a public web site since no-one will trust it. So setting up your own CA is not "generally useful", it is more if you need some specific things, like issuing certificates with a single signing source for client logins or similar. Most business will have a couple of Windows Domain controllers, if you need to sign certs for a limited set of users, what you should do is make sure some system in your windows domain runs Certificate Services, then issue certs from there, make sure any non-domain-members has a trust for that CA. If you actually do need to set up you own CA, here is one way to do it Procedure to set up your own local CA The common name for the CA cert must NOT be the same as a domain name or anything e...